Friday, September 26, 2014


Garden is still producing! I try to bike there every other day. I picked 10# of tomatoes on Tuesday, another 8# on Thursday. Sooo many tomatoes haha. I will admit I've been harvesting the gardens that people abandoned as well. Sadly over half of them are unattended, rotten veggies everywhere. Our peppers didn't produce that much, luckily one abandoned garden has!

We made a yummy spicy chili earlier in the week. Still roasting the cherry tomatoes for sauce too. Steph's new favorite lunch is a roasted tomato brie sandwich with a fried egg.
 The tomatoes look kinda dead, they are actually pretty health. The top layer browned from the frost we had a few weeks ago. They wanted to grow higher, next year we're going to put t-posts in the middle of each cage so they can climb.
 Brussel sprouts are coming! I probably won't grow them again (take up too much space), still fun to experiment.
 the "mother" eggplant, this thing has 10+ on it, been producing all year

We had a pathetic mini 12" eggplant too, Steph is proud of its harvest

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